Annual Meeting Minutes

JTHS BAA  Annual Meeting Minutes for Sunday, September 27, 2009


ATTENDANCE: Megan Gonzalez, Gene DiVecchio, Art Perez, Melissa Christman, Brad Uffelmann, Jan Uffelmann, Mary Ciccotelli and Mary Beth Bjekich.

We reviewed the minutes from the 2008 Annual Meeting.  The minutes were be corrected to state that the Website was to have the correct meeting dates.  Melissa Christman so moved and was 2nd by Megan Gonzalez.  Gene will correct these dates on the website.
The Financial Statement was next on the agenda.  Cash on hand as of Sept. 27, 2009 was 12,868.22.  An internal audit of the book was performed in Sept. 2009, by Art Perez and Mary Beht Bjekich.  A Motion was made by Gene DiVecchio to accept the financial record and  2nd by Mary Ciccotelli.
Year in Review  2009:
The Board and members were busy with the planning of many activities as well as updating our organization's Website.  The events sponsored by the board included a First Annual Summer Picnic, Alumni playing a Basketball Game with the Central Pep Band (including a pizza party for the Pep Band,) and a Scotch Doubles Bowling Fundraiser (a Football Homecoming event was suggested and may be considered in the future).   
Gene has devoted much time to our Website to obtain a new free phone number for the organization, as well as making
additions and retractions as needed to make our site user friendly with content to keep our members wanting to check
back to see "what's going on".  Some sections we are working on include a "Fact page",  "Band History"  section as well as links to the Joliet High School Bands.  Gene is able to  monitor the usage of our website and statistics have shown it's initial usage rise from 40 visits in January  to over 800 visits currently.  The Board is always looking for any suggestions to place on this site.  Gene and the Board want to make it for "you" to use and enjoy. Gene puts a lot of hard work and time into making our site to be "it's best" and the Board would like to thank Gene for his constant updating and additions to make this site work.
Upcoming Events for 2010:               
There are three planned activities in the works for 2009 and 2010:

1)  Scotch Doubles Bowling  fundraiser, to be held on 10-18-09 at Town and Country Lanes in Joliet.  
2) Winter Homecoming Basketball Game at JT Central 2-12-10 vs Carl Sandburg
3)  Second Annual Picnic in the Summer TBD   2012 Centennial  Logo Competition:  Rules and regulations need to be developed to present this endeavor.
Fundraising is of utmost importance to keep our organizations’ goals moving forward.   The Board is looking to get an updated Alumni Book database from Lynne L once it is published.               


It was suggested that  the BAA could check out prices of small magnets to send with one of our mailings.  On this magnet could be our website information, phone number and general information to keep people reminded of the group.

Another suggestion was to get our information on the High School Marquee' to help with advertising.
We also need to mention in our mailings, a reminder for people to pay their dues and to thank those who have already paid.
Some recommendations from Mary Ciccotelli on ways to cut down on our expenses on mailings would be to send out
fold-over news letters instead of full page letters in envelopes.  This would save an incredible amount of money.

Goals need to be mentioned at meetings and its progress monitored.
Mary also suggested some fundraising methods of sponsoring a Float in any of the local parades, Thanksgiving,

Christmas, Easter or Homecoming.
Ask the High School Directors if  having a table out at the end of a concert with treats and a donation bucket would be allowed.

Election of Officers:

Brad entertained a motion be made to unanimously keep the current Board of Officers for next year 2009-2010.  Melissa so moved  and Gene 2nd the motion.


President: Brad Uffelmann
Vice President: Art  Perez                  
Secretary: Mary Beth Bjekich
Treasurer: Jan Uffelmann
One At Large for 3 yr term: Megan Gomez


This leaves Melissa Christman with 2 years remaining and Gene DiVecchio with one year remaining.
The meeting was adjourned.
                                                                                    Annual Meeting Minutes submitted,

                                                                                                                                 Mary Beth  Bjekich, Secretary



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(This website was launched on January 30, 2009.)