Regular Meeting - Oct. 2010

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The meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m.


REVIEW OF MINUTES:  No corrections.  Art motioned to approve, Jan seconded.


TREASURER’S REPORT:  No corrections.  Melissa motioned to approve, Megan seconded.

NOTE:  Members expressed concern over the number of people paying their dues.  The problem lies in the astronomical cost we would incur to mail out membership information to everyone on our mailing list.  As we get closer to 2012, every mailer we send will have membership information.

Brad got an email from the secretary of the Foundation confirming that they have received the information they needed from us for filing taxes. 



Donations:  Art is going to check with Comet Lanes; Joliet Park District to send certificate to Jan; perhaps a free rental for the pavilion where we had our picnic.

Jan asked for golfing certificate from Lockport Park District, $25 gift card from Home Depot

Megan will pick up certificate from Chunky Chicken (on 59 by Culvers) that Art requested

Melissa possibly will have a “silent auction” donation from Chet for free Will/POAs,
                    George Kay’s, The Department, HomeCut Donuts

Brad will look into tickets from the Historical Museum

Gene looking into Mitchell’s, Brickhouse

Brett will talk to Babe’s Hot Dogs

Time to be 1:00, with bowling starting probably around 1:30

Brad will create and send an E-Vite through to our email list

Jan has a political sign we could place at 6-corners

Art is taking the check to Comet to pay for our deposit

Main concern now is attendees.  Jan will resend the (corrected) flyer via email.  Brad will have it on both high school outdoor signs.  Best way is word of mouth - it doesn’t seem like very many people replied to any of our advertising.  Brett will talk to Cathy Velasco about posting something in her blog.  Facebook ad???  Not for bowling, but it will work well for 2012.  We should advertise in the band rooms/reach out to band kids and their parents. Art will try to put up advertising at the bowling alley.  Jan will put quarter sheets on every stand at Community Band, Megan will try to do the same at Orchestra.  We should be sure to contact the people that came last year.

Megan will use the same pumpkins and such from last year and put the donations together.  We don’t feel it’s necessary to meet again before the meeting.

Megan will track the people we have signed up.

We need to be sure we have rules for Scotch Doubles.  Art will check if Comet Lanes can provide them for us.

We should probably plan on ordering extra pop, perhaps more pizza.

Brad will print up the tickets and get them ready.

Gene fixed the membership form on the webpage.


Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.


Instead of picnic this year, we should hold an informal social gathering for ourselves, each person bringing a dish, and invite everyone else to come if they want to. 


Brunch with Bob, Musings with Mar, Charlie - possible social events: we should try to schedule this soon, perhaps January?  Megan interested in organizing the event, must include a membership table.


2012: We should start thinking about someone who could sit at a table at all rehearsals and the concert to sign people up for memberships.


Respectfully Submitted,


/s/ Melissa Christman, Secretary



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